Our formula focuses on unmatched attention
to detail and best-in-class technology.
We take pride in the appearance of our shopping centers and the satisfaction we gain providing the best possible service to our clients.
Our property manager go beyond just interaction with our tenants. Venture managers look to build productive and successful relationships with their tenant contacts.
Our organizational structure allows the Venture property managers to provide precise lease administration and financial recordkeeping for our clients.
Venture has provided leasing and management services for over a decade for this very successful shopping center.
Venture had the chance to solve two problems; parking and finding an anchor tenant. Venture put together the entitlements, ownership approval and funding to construct a 5 story office building to house the library ground level retail, and underground parking, all while maintaining operation of the high-end shopping center. Today the building is fully leased and the additional 453 parking spaces have elevated all parking constraints.
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